Mid fall Check-in

Friday, October 17, 2014

We're half way through October, and have had frost in various parts of the province (although not today - feels almost tropical).

Mowing - Many people ask when they should start mowing.  For me there is no huge rush.  If the plant still has green leaves, it is still photosynthesizing and putting resources into the rhyzomes. This is a good thing.  The greener the plant is the harder it is to mow, which can add fuel costs.  Hardened off plants tend to mow cleaner as well.  However, I do not like spring mowing, and feel that it should be all completed in the fall if at all possible.  Spring mowing can work fine, but it introduces weather and soil moisture variables that can make life very difficult for the grower.

Just a reminder if you are planning to use Chateau, do so only after mowing and preferably a week or two after mowing.

It is still too early for Kerb at this point.  The weather we have had, has not allowed soil temperatures to drop low enough to ensure you won't lose effectiveness of the herbicide.  I think it is a good idea to wait until we get into November before thinking about Kerb applications.
Also, University of Maine Cooperative Extension has put together a 2nd edition of "A pocket Guide to IPM scouting of Wild Blueberries". Click here Pocket IPM scouting guide This is a really great resource for all wild blueberry growers.