3rd Wild Blueberry Monilinia Blight update

Friday, April 19, 2013

April 19th, 2013

The Monilinia Blight line is brought to you by the Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia and Perennia, along with Delbridge Disease Management.

Fruit buds aren't able to be infected until they reach the F2 stage and when there is a wet period long enough to allow for an infection period.  Refer to this factsheet to as a resource http://nsac.ca/wildblue/facts/disease/monilini.asp

I have received reports from several parts of the Province, but fruit bud development is still slow

Annapolis county - 0% F2
Sable River - 6% F2
Queens - 16% F2 (no cup development)

Glenmore - 0% F2

Tatamagouche area - 0% F2

It is important to know that temperatures are forecasted to rise over the next few days. Many growers should start looking at their fields to see if your fruit buds are starting to develop.

Risk for infection is very low at this point.

No other areas in the province are reporting yet.

The next blightline update will be Tuesday, April 22nd in the late afternoon.