12th Wild Blueberry Blight-line Update

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Wild Blueberry Blight-line is brought to you by WBPANS, Perennia and Delbridge Disease Management.

The 12th update for Tuesday, May 21st is as follows:

All monitored sites in the province are showing cups that have dried up.  At most sites the cups have been dry for over a week. This means the Monilinia disease risk is over for most fields in NS.

Very late fields (ie. high elevation fields and Cape Breton) may have a small risk of infection particularly if wet conditions persist.  

This will be the last Monilinia update for 2013
Growers should begin considering Botrytis management programs. Traditionally fields in coastal areas are more prone to Botrytis infections during bloom.  However, in recent years we have been seeing more Botrytis in inland fields.

Controls should be applied to open flowers before an infection occurs. Historically this has been mid-bloom.  However, as more growers become concerned with pollinator safety many are making an application just prior to placing pollinators in the field.  For growers that have fields with a history of heavy Botrytis infection, they should consider mid bloom applications if weather conditions warrant it.  
Click on the link below for more information on Botrytis and control strategies.
For information on available products, click on the following link.