Emergency Registrations for Spotted Wing Drosophila Approved

Monday, June 3, 2013

The PMRA has approved 5 products for emergency use on Spotted Wing Drosophila.

These registrations are on several crops for the 2013 season (including Wild Blueberry)

Entrust (organic allowable product)
Pyganic (organic allowable product)

These products are approved for use on Bushberry crops (including wild blueberry and highbush blueberry), caneberry (including raspberry), stone fruits, grapes and strawberry.

Click on the link below, it highlights the product rates, re-entry intervals (REIs), use patterns and pre-harvest intervals (PHIs) for each product in each crop.

Emergency Registrations for SWD

For Wild Blueberry it is important to talk with your processor to see which products work for their markets.

Click below for the SWD monitoring factsheet.

SWD Monitoring Factsheet

I will be doing some monitoring in wild blueberry fields starting in July and will be posting any captures on this blog.