Trapping for Blueberry Fruit Fly and Leaf Rust protection in Sprout fields

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

All growers should be putting out their fly traps.  I haven't seen any yet, but fully expect to see some this week.  Remember to wait 3-4 days after first capture before making an application, this allows time for more of the adults to emerge.

You can get traps from the WBPANS office.  Some will be available this weekend at the Maritime Wild Blueberry Field Day at Doug Bragg Enterprises in Collingwood. Saturday 9-3.

Refer to pest guide for products available for Blueberry Fruit Fly

Remember check with your buyer to see what is allowable for their markets!

Also we are getting close to Leaf Rust control season in Sprout fields.  Leaf Rust typically starts to blow into fields around the 3rd week of July.  An application in Late July should provide protection for almost 2 weeks.  This will reduce leaf drop in September and October and will allow for better sizing of your fruit buds.