2018 growing season fast approaching

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Well it's been a while since I've made a post, but the start of the season is closer than many of us want to think. 

Next Saturday, March 24th, is the WBPANS winter meeting in Truro.  I will be giving a talk on Triaging Wild blueberry fields.  It will be a discussion on things to considered when deciding what to do with some of your more marginal fields.  I have also written a factsheet that goes along with that talk.  http://www.perennia.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Triaging-WBB-Fields.pdf

Also, I did a demo trial, looking at canopy penetration of using different spray nozzles, spray volumes and boom heights.  I will have the factsheet at the winter meeting but it is also on-line to look at. http://www.perennia.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Spray-coverage-demo-in-WBB.pdf

Essentially, the higher the boom, the less canopy penetration you get and the less consistent coverage you get in general.  Something to consider when setting up your sprayers for this season.

Hope to see everyone on Saturday.