We are in the middle of an extended infection period or a series of them depending on your location. It has been wet since early on Monday, May 20 and it is expected to stay wet through to mid-day on Wednesday, May 22. With almost all fields in mainland Nova Scotia beyond the 40-50% V2/F2 threshold, controls should be considered.
Again, products applied just prior to an infection period tend to give 7-10 days of protection. Proline and propiconazole based products do give some control "back-action" if applied after the infection. You can't count on back action, longer than a couple of days however.
Cape Breton still has some areas that are not quite at that critical stage.
Two areas reporting from Cape Breton are:
Foote Cape - 24% F2 (May 19th)
Egypt Mt. - 0% F2 (May 19th)
We can consider apothecia cups still active and viable at this point, for much of the province
South West Nova Scotia should be approaching the end of Monilinia blight season and infection risk should be decreasing in that region.
The next update will be late in the day on Friday, May 24th.