Wild Blueberry Events (online and in-person)

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Hello everyone,

As the season continues to advance, I would encourage you to check our event page in the wild blueberry blog. Under the page, you will find events I summarize from Perennia, WBPANS and other institutes that are related to wild blueberry growers.

Just a note, you won’t receive an email notification when I update the event page so please check back for any updates.

Event page: http://www.novascotiawildblueberryblog.com/p/events.html.

We have a couple of events coming up in the next three weeks and one in July.

1.    1. Perennia- Weather Station Apps and Website Training Session (online), May 24, 7-8:30pm

Event details and registration: https://www.perennia.ca/eventer/weather-station-apps-and-website-training-session/edate/2022-05-24/.


2.    2. WBPANS- 2022 twilight meetings (2 sessions)- in-person

a.      Session 1: May 31, 6-8pm. 168 Dakota Rd, Debert, NS.

Demonstration of UAV, prescription map and modified sprayer system from the CWBIRDI PAN-Atlantic project. Dr. Percival and his team will demonstrate the work of the UAV system, the creation of in-field prescription maps and how the modified sprayer can use these maps to apply pesticides precisely on a wild blueberry field. Growers will see how these systems work and have the opportunity to ask questions on how they could be used.


b.      Session 2: June 7, 6-8pm. Location TBD

Demonstration and discussion of weather station use in wild blueberry fields.

More details to share once WBPANS releases the information.


3.   3. WBPANS- 2022 Field Day: Tue, July 19

 WBPANS will host the 2022 Field Day on Tuesday, July 19, 2022, at John Cameron's receiving shed in East River Saint Marys, NS (648 Sherbrooke Road).

The Field Day will return to an in-person format for 2022 with equipment & agri-business displays and field tours.

Stay tuned for more details!