2024 Production Updates and Seasonal Outlook for NS_ 5th Blight Line Post_ May 8

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Monilinia Blight Infection Risk for most of Cumberland and Colchester fields


This GDD summary is from May 6, 2024 (Figure 1). At this point, most crop fields in Cumberland and Colchester are at risk for Monilinia Blight infection, except for higher ground and cooler areas. Crop fields in Dean and Musquodoboit areas are also susceptible to blight and a fungicide application should be considered according to the latest weather conditions. If your area and fields are above 40-50% F2, fungicide application should be conducted before a wet period (Table 1). According to the weather forecast, from Wednesday evening to Friday morning, it will be wet across the province (Figure 2) and will bring several infection periods.

It is still a little early for fields in Guysborough, Antigonish, Pictou, and Cape Breton to spray the Monilinia Blight fungicide at this time.


Here is a summary of the most up-to-date GDD from 17 weather stations in wild blueberry fields.


Figure 1. GDD Summary, May 6, 2024

Figure 2. NS Weather Forecast (CBC). A wet period starting Wednesday evening until Friday morning.


Table 1. Percentage of Wild Blueberry Floral Bud F2 stage

 light green (0-20% F2)dark green (20-30% F2)yellow (30-40% F2) and red (40-100% F2)


Wild blueberry production regions, NS

The average percentage of floral buds at F2



South West Nova Scotia


Queens County

>40%- April 24



Hants County

>40%- April 29



Cumberland County


West Advocate

>40%- April 29


>40%- April 29

Halfway River

>40%- April 29







Colchester County



>40%- May 8

Murray Siding

45% F2- May 2


31% F2- May 8



Halifax Regional Municipality

>40%- May 8



Guysborough County

20% F2- May 8



Pictou and Antigonish County

20-25% F2- May 8



Cape Breton

10% F2- May 8



A close up of sticks

Description automatically generatedSprout fields pre-emergence herbicide applications

Growers should finish sprout fields’ herbicide application as soon as possible. Plant emergences were observed in sprout fields (Figure 3).


Figure 3. Wild Blueberry Plant Emergence in Sprout Fields (Colchester)